Peru Adventure 11 Days

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11 Days

Peru Tours

20 persons


  • Overview
  • Itinerary
  • Inclusions
  • Frequent Questions
  1. Arrival to Lima
  2. Lima / Puerto Maldonado
  3. Sandoval Lake
  4. Jungle
  5. Puerto Maldonado / Cusco
  6. Cusco City Tour
  7. Piscacucho / Huayllabamba
  8. Huayllabamba / Pakasmayu
  9. Pakasmayu / Wiñay Wayna
  10. Wiñay Wayna / Machu Picchu
  11. Final Transfer


Personalized Assistance ! We are the only company that BELIEVE IN QUALITY OF SERVICE to make your visit unforgettable.


  1. Sneakers or hiking shoes.
  2. Sunscreen.
  3. Light Backpack.
  4. Suitable clothing / Rain poncho.
  5. Soles for your personal expenses.


Day 1:
Arrival in Lima
Reception at the Airport and Transfer to Your Hotel DOES NOT INCLUDE MEALS
Day 2:
Lima / Puerto Maldonado
Transfer from the Puerto Maldonado Airport to the Fluvial Port on the Madre de Dios River. A 25-minute trip down the Madre de Dios River in a motorized canoe that takes you to the beginning of the Trail along the Rio de Sandoval Lake Lodge. From here the trail takes you on a 2 mile (3.2 kilometer) Walk through the Secondary Forest, until you reach a Small Canal where Canoes and Paddle Boards about 220 yards (201 meters) through a 100 foot Flooded Forest ( 30 meters) Palmas de Mauritia. As the Canal opens over the Brilliant Lake, they transfer to a Catamaran and Paddle Quietly they will go from the Middle of the Lake to the Lodge. After Lunch and a Short Break to Avoid the Midday Heat, they will learn about the History of the Lodge and the Philosophy of its Founders. Next, they will board the Catamaran to Visit the West Part of the Lake. Here, in the Flooded Forest of Palms they hear the Sounds of Hundreds of Red-bellied Macaws, then They will return to the Palm Forest at Night. This Species of Macaws is found at the Local Level in some parts of the Amazon, they live in the Always Flooded Forests of Palma, such as the Beautiful Palm Tree in Lake Sandoval. There are like 500-800 Birds, this Herd of Macaws in Lake Sandoval is Currently the Largest Reported in the World for this Highly Specialized Macaw. At nightfall they go to look for the Black Cayman. If it is a Clear and Starry Night, you will also be able to stand in the middle of the lake to admire the brightness of the sky and listen to the sounds of the jungle. They will return to the Hotel for a Short Video or a Slide Show and Dinner. At any time, you can Go Out to Admire the Wide Variety of Night Butterflies, Beetles and Light-Drawn Praying Mantis in the Glade Lodge. For Those with a High Amount of Energy your Guide will take you on a short Night Walk through the Forest Behind the Lodge. Includes breakfast, lunch and dinner
Day 3:
Sandoval Lake
They leave a little before Sunrise, it will allow them to be in the Lake at Sunrise With a Little Luck We will see the Family of Giant Otters that frequent the Lake and are more Active at this time of day. Sandoval Lake offers Abundant Wildlife Including more than 40 Resident Bird Species at the Lake Margins, Most of the Water Birds Feed on Fish Around the Lake Actively Fish in the Morning as well, and this Outing Should Provide an Excellent View, of the Prehistoric Shansho, these They are Easy to Observe and Photograph from Canoes to Rowing or Catamarans. After Returning from a Late Breakfast, you will enter the Virgin Forest near the Lake to see some Towering Wild Brazil Nut Trees and a Demonstration of how the Natives Collect, Open and Market this Important Natural Product. After Lunch you will have an Hour to Relax and Depart Once More on the Catamaran to Explore the Eastern Part of the Lake, where you can see One or More of the Five Species of Monkeys that live in the Forest near the Lake, such as the Capuchin Monkey and the Squirrel. Before Dinner You Will Again Enjoy an Informative Natural History Video or Slide Show. They will leave after Dinner to try to see the Black Cayman in the Lake, or go on a Short Night Walk through the Forest. Includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Day 4
After Breakfast, you will Cross the Lake by Catamaran and a Short Walk into the interior of the Forest of Palma de Mauritia to Stand below and Observe closely the Impressive Congregation of the Morning, this place has a very Interesting Concentration of Parrots, Large Macaws and Small Macaws that can be seen and the Palm Trees, Some of Them are Residents that Nest there (Yellow-headed Parrot, Mealy Parrot, Blue-headed Parrot, Scarlet Macaw, Blue and Yellow Macaw, Red and Green Macaw, Chestnut-fronted Macaw , Dark-headed Parakeet, Red-bellied Macaw, Cobalt-winged Parakeet, Tui Parakeet). Upon returning from visiting the Macaws they will Cross the Lake to Explore a Path in the Primary Forest and Admire the Impressive Trees and Lianas in the Ancient Jungle with their Resident Naturalist Guide. While we walk through the forest the guide explains the ecology of the jungle and its diversity of flora and fauna. We return for Lunch, and then there is an optional break for Those Wishing to Escape the Afternoon Heat. For Those Still Full of Energy, There is an Option to Visit Some of the Forest Trails on Your Own Using their Route Maps. You can take a walk through the Garden of Medicinal Plants or see Hummingbirds that Feed on nectar, or Tanagers that Feed on Fruit. In the Cooler Afternoon you will return to Board the Catamaran to Explore the Eastern Part of the Lake, and Experience a Spectacular Sunset Over the Lake before Returning to the Hotel for Dinner. For some people, an Alternate Activity would be Resting on the Benches within the Forest where there is a Clear Stream where a Wide Variety of Hummingbirds Bathing and Birds Visiting the Forest. After Dinner, there is one Last Chance to see the Black Cayman in the Lake, or go on a Night Walk through the Forest. Includes breakfast, lunch and dinner
Day 5:
Puerto Maldonado / Cusco
Breakfast and transportation to the airport where you will take the flight to Cusco (FLIGHTS NOT INCLUDED) Reception at the Airport and Transfer to your Hotel where you will receive an Aromatic “Mate de Coca” to acclimatize to the altitude, you will have the rest of the day free to rest and We also suggest you take a Light Lunch. They will pick you up to take you to Dinner in a Restaurant with Show and then you will return to your Hotel. Includes Breakfast and Dinner
Day 6:
Cusco City Tour
Breakfast and free morning. In the afternoon at 1:45 p.m., we will begin the Tour of the City of Cuzco, where you will have the opportunity to visit 6 Wonderful places. They will visit the Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral, Qoricancha (Temple of the Sun), and they will also take a tour of the Archaeological Centers such as the Sacsayhuaman Fortress, Q’enqo, Puca Pucara, and Tambomachay. The Tour ends at 6:30 p.m. in the Plaza de Armas of Cuzco so that you can have dinner at the restaurants in the area. It includes breakfast Notes: *City tour: from 1:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Pick up from the hotel starts at 1:15 p.m.) * Optional Buffet Dinner with Folk Show: add $ 30 per person INCA TRAIL OF 4 DAYS AND 3 NIGHTS WITH A UNIQUE STYLE: The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is without a doubt one of the most requested Tours by those who visit Peru in search of adventure. We are going to offer you an Adventure Walk and you will do it with a Unique Style. You can enjoy from the beginning to the end, incredible landscapes of the Andes and a great mixture of mountains and jungle. There is no other natural place on our planet that could show a constant variety, changing ecological floors, surrounded by amazing mountains and rivers, as well as a great variety of animals and plants. Architectural Art is perfectly harmonious with the Natural Environment and all these Natural Wonders are added to the Inca Buildings that are Worth Visiting and Enjoying. Important Note: We will buy your Inca Trail We will use the Names and Passport Numbers that you send us with your Travel Reservation Request. You must Bring these Passports with you to Cuzco and they will take them on the Inca Trail. If the Name or Passport Number is Different from the Name and Number on the Travel Permit, the Government Authorities will not allow you to start the walk and you will not be entitled to a refund. If you are going to renew your passport, between making the reservation for the hike and, in fact, starting the tour, you must bring both passports (old and new). If You Make a Travel Reservation at Student Price, You must Send Us a Copy of your ISIC Card at the Time of Paying the Trek Deposit. If you cannot bring your ISIC Card, the Government Authorities will not allow you to start the walk. You are not given the Opportunity to Pay the Additional Difference in Price.
Day 7:
Piscacucho / Huayllabamba
Departure by bus from Cusco to km. 82 of the railway to Machu Picchu. After getting acquainted with the members of the group, they will start the famous trek “Inca Trail”. After two hours of walking you will arrive at Llaqtapata, the First Archaeological Zone Located in a Natural Settlement. They will continue walking for a couple of hours and they will arrive at their camp located near the small town of Huayllabamba. Includes breakfast, lunch and dinner NOTE: It is Normal that if the First Day feels Hot during the Dry Season (May to September).
Day 8:
Huayllabamba / Pakasmayu
They will wake up early to start their second day which will be very hard and tedious. Today we will ascend 1200 meters and enter a Tropical Area called Cloud Forest where they will see the Wonderful Queuñas Forest that will take us to the Llulluchapampa Valley where they will have one of the most Spectacular Views of the Abra de Warmiwañusca Located at 4200 meters above sea level, Ascent towards the Abra Considered as the Highest Point of its Route. Descent towards the Pacasmayo Valley located at 3600 m.a.s.l. place of his second camp. Includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Accommodation: Camp Maximum altitude: 4200msnm Minimum altitude: 3000msnm Distance traveled: 13 km Approximate walking time: 6 - 7 horas
Day 9:
Pakasmayu / Wiñaywayna
Early they will begin the ascent to the Second Abra Located at 3900 meters above sea level Where halfway they will find an Archaeological Zone called Runkurakay, the Original Inca Trail is now more apparent which will take us to descend the Second Abra, they will cross lagoons, forests with exuberant vegetation we will finally arrive at the second archaeological complex called Sayacmarca. Immediately you will enter a Rain Forest on the Route that leads us to the Highest Inca Construction called Phuyupatamarka. You will begin a Long Descent through endless and impressive Living Stone Stairs that will lead you to the Magical Citadel of Wiñaywayna, place of your Last Camp. Includes breakfast, lunch and dinner Accommodation: Camp Maximum altitude: Camp 3,900msnm Minimum altitude: 2700msnm Distance traveled: 16 km Approximate walking time: 7 to 8 hours.
Day 10:
Wiñaywayna / Machu Picchu
They will wake up very early and after having breakfast, they will make a light walk towards the Inti PUNKU, known as the Puerta del Sol where the Magic and Mysterious City of Machu Picchu will make its First Appearance, the Wonderful "Lost City of the Incas". Finally, they will cross the mountain and arrive at their final destination, the Greatest Discovery of the End Times Nestled in the Andes Mountain Range, showing us at every step he challenged the Incas towards nature and likewise showing us the harmony that they achieved with her Same. Arrival to Machu Picchu and begin an Extensive Excursion through the Magical City of Machu Picchu. Descent by bus to Agua Calientes and Return to Cuzco by Train. It includes breakfast Maximum altitude: 2700msnm Minimum altitude: 2400msnm Distance traveled: 6 km Approximate walking time: 3 to 4 hours
Day 11:
Final Transfer
Breakfast at your Hotel, transfer to the Airport to take your flight to Lima, arriving in time to board your International Flight.


Pre-Departure Briefing
Experienced Tour Guide
First Aid Kit
Customer Service 24/7
Tourist Transportation
Pick Up Service
Entrance to Machu Picchu
Buses of Ascent and Descent to Machu Picchu
Travel Insurance
Tips for Our Staff
Additional Costs
Entrance to The Hot Springs in Aguas Calientes
Air Tickets


Pick up of guests
Machu Picchu Vip can pick you up from your hotel, as long as it’s in the Historical Center of Cusco. Your guide will coordinate the pickup time in the briefing session, but please keep in mind that the time may vary between 20 and 35 minutes due to traffic.
Group Tours
Group tours are made up of different types of people, then physical conditions and ages can vary. By agreeing to be part of a group tour, you also accept that some people may be faster or slower than you. Therefore, each person can go at their own pace on the route. It may be the case that a group wishes to modify the tour; however, the guide will be the one who decides, after consulting with all the participants, if such modifications are possible.
Strikes in cusco
Are usually common in Peru, and this may interrupt some of our tours. Roads can be blocked, and train tracks can be taken over. However, we will try to keep your trip as originally planned, even if it means leaving the night before the scheduled date. Under these circumstances, tours may also be canceled. In case of changes or cancellations, everything will be coordinated with you by our operations department. Your safety is our highest priority, and our decisions will be made to protect it.
Lost objects
Please pay attention to where you leave your things and remember to take everything once you leave our transport, tents, or restaurants. You’re the only one responsible for your objects during the tour.
I can change or cancel my tour
Of course you can modify the date of your tour up to 24 hours before and you can cancel up to 15 days before, but there will be charges for administrative expenses
What are the best features of this tour?
On this fantastic trip you will see some of the most beautiful destinations in South America. Magnificent snowcapped Andean peaks form the background of this real-life impressionistic painting. In the near future, you will have the opportunity to experience one of the most mystical places on earth, the Sacred Valley of the Incas. So, we invite you to enjoy some of the best gastronomy in the Cusco region on this wonderful tour. Come and join us on an adventure to fascinating places that you will always remember in your heart.
A comfortable and concerned company
The experience with this company was pleasant, after a long investigation. His formality and commitment was what caught me and I liked him. The staff that took care of me was excellent. Thanks for all guys.
Cusco and Mountain
From the moment of contacting me from my country, the Machupicchu by car VIP team gave me the security of hiring with them. My daughter, a friend and I took 2 tours. Machupicchu by car and Mountain of 7 colors.
Valeria F
4 wonderful days!
Thank you very much for organizing this tour! From the moment we set foot in Cusco, everything was perfectly calculated. My family and I are very happy with all the attention.


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